Saturday, November 30, 2019

Romeo And Juliet With Miracle Worker Essays -

Romeo And Juliet With Miracle Worker "Relationship between Romeo and Juliet and Annie and Helen" Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare. It is a love story between two rival families, the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo who is a Montague falls in love with Juliet who happens to be a Capulet. It is love at first sight, but if their parents find out there will be no way that Romeo will ever see Juliet again. The Miracle Worker is another play that we read. It is about a little girl named Helen Keller who is both deaf and blind. Her parents pity her and let her do whatever she wants. They want to be able to communicate with her so they write a doctor in Baltimore for help. The doctor sends Annie Sullivan to help Helen, which is worth it because she finally gets Helen to be polite and talk. Three people from Romeo and Juliet compare to three people in The Miracle Worker. To begin with, the Montagues and the Capulets along with Mr. and Mrs. Keller and Annie are the first similar group of people. Because the two families disliked each other so much, it kept their children from being able to date each other openly. It forced their children to keep secrets from their parents and made it hard to see each other. The parents in The Miracle Worker are pretty much the same. Mr. and Mrs. Keller didn't like the way Annie was handling and taking care of Helen. They almost made Annie quit teaching because of that. Annie made Helen eat with a fork instead of her fingers. When she wouldn't hold the fork Annie forced her to hold it. The Kellers didn't like this and told Annie to let Helen eat however she wanted but Annie wanted Helen to learn the proper way to eat and behave. Annie was very strict and made disciplined Helen well. Next there are two people who were dependable and friendly to Romeo and Juliet and Annie and Helen. For example Friar Laurence knew all about the marriage between Romeo and Juliet because he is the one who married them. He thought that if they got married it would end the feuds between the families. In addition he also came up the plan for Juliet to drink the potion to make it look like she was dead and when Romeo came it would look like he save her so the Capulet family would like him. James, Captain Keller's son by his first marriage was the only one who believed in Annie at first. For instance he was the first to see Annie teach Helen the alphabet and also got the ladder for Annie when Helen locked her in the room. Also James lets Annie take Helen to the pump by telling Mr. Keller to let Annie teach Helen her way and that for once he is wrong and Annie can successfully teach Helen. Finally the last two people that influenced the relationships are the Nurse and Doctor. The Nurse knew about the relationship between Romeo and Juliet and could have told someone but never did. If she told someone of their marriage she could have saved the two kids lives. Even though the nurse tried to get Juliet to like Paris she couldn't get her to because she loved Romeo. The doctor told the Kellers that he's never seen a baby with more vitality, which was untrue. However he tells them it was only acute congestion. After he leaves, Mrs. Keller tries to get Helen's attention, but she can't because Helen can't hear or see. If the doctor had been better he would have noticed she was mute and told them before or try to save her. Although two different authors wrote the plays in two different times they still have qualities that can be compared. They all have plots, climaxes and settings. Shakespeare's words and way of writing was more advanced than William Gibson's but they both have good work. Romeo and Juliet's ending wasn't happy like Annie and Helen's but in the end they both got what they wanted. Romeo and Juliet were finally together and the families got over their differences, and Annie got Helen to understand that words have meanings and how to communicate.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Death Marks the Spot essays

Death Marks the Spot essays The title of the article I chose was Death Marks the Spot. The title of the periodical was the Phoenix Magazine and the date for the periodical was October 2001. The article interested me because I wanted to know why Arizona has a reputation as one of the most deadly places in the country for motorist is well deserved, why Arizona has set a state record with 1,036 fatalities doing with car accidents. This article starts out with a story about Jennafer Cox. The story start out with Jennafer Cox having a fight with her sister Carrie. They were arguing and after arguing Carrie tells Jennafer that she hates her and wishes she was dead. Jennafer looks at her and says no she doesn't. They end up hugging and making up. Somewhere else a women name Leticia Alvarado is at a bar drinking and watching the Suns game. She decides to go home and on her way she goes through a red light and plows into Jennafer and her sister and her boyfriend. She ends up being airlifted to a hospital and sh e has a liver that has been ripped in two. This story tells us how Arizona is the worst state known for its accidents because of the careless drivers out there. In all, between 1995 and 1998, the Valley car crashes claimed about 2,099 people lives, averaging more than one a day. Most of the people that cause the fatal accidents are people that are unlicenced or illegally licensed drivers. That means that people that have licenses suspended or revoke or anything else are still in the streets driving around. That is very bad since most of them are causing accidents. Also, victims are likely to be killed in areas zoned 35 mph and below as they are in those posted 55 mph and above. Sometimes there are common distractions like billboards, glares, strokes, heart attacks, debris on the road, falling cargo, improper towing, and flat tires. The other common reason is that people are driving too fast. Driving to fast is contributing cause in nearly three of te...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Pago De Impuestos De Expatriados Americanos

Pago De Impuestos De Expatriados Americanos Los ciudadanos  estadounidenses que residen en el extranjero tienen la obligacià ³n de pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos todos los aà ±os. Recordar que vivir fuera del paà ­s no es causa suficiente para perder la nacionalidad y, por lo tanto, hay que seguir cumpliendo con obligaciones, como la del pago de impuestos. El propio Departamento de Estado desconoce cuntos estadounidenses residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y estima que la cifra puede estar entre los 3 y los seis millones, sin incluir en el cà ³mputo a los militares destinados en el extranjero. Por cierto, esta exigencia de pago de impuestos tambià ©n aplica a los hombres y mujeres que sirven en el exterior en cualquiera de las cuatro ramas de los Ejà ©rcitos americanos (Army, Navy, Air y Marines). Y esta obligacià ³n incluso continà ºa por 10 aà ±os para las personas que renuncian a la nacionalidad para no pagar impuestos. Y es que à ©sta es en la actualidad una de las razones ms comunes por las que se renuncia al pasaporte americano, si bien no es la à ºnica como muestran estos 10 amosos que decidieron abandonar su condicià ³n de estadounidenses. Con la finalidad de informar sobre cà ³mo cumplir con esta obligacià ³n, en este artà ­culo se explica cunto y cà ³mo presentar la planilla de impuestos, cà ³mo identificar a los familiares que no son ciudadanos y un enlace al listado de paà ­ses con los que Estados Unidos tiene un tratado firmado para evitar la doble imposicià ³n. Es decir, para evitar pagar en el paà ­s en el que se vive y tambià ©n en Estados Unidos (pero aà ºn en esos casos en los que no hay que pagar es necesario presentar las planillas). Cunto Hay Que Presentar Las Planillas De Impuestos (Filing) En Estados Unidos el à ºltimo dà ­a para enviar las planillas de las taxes es el 15 de abril. Sin embargo, los expatriados y residentes que viven en el extranjero tienen una extensià ³n automtica de dos meses. En otras palabras, tienen hasta el 15 de junio para cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias. Si en esa fecha todavà ­a no estn listos para cumplir con el IRS, pueden solicitar mediante la planilla  4868 que se le conceda una extensià ³n adicional hasta el 15 de octubre. Sin embargo, este nuevo plazo puede llevar aparejado que tengan que pagar intereses de demora e incluso una multa. Cà ³mo Desgravar Familiares Extranjeros Puede suceder que un ciudadano expatriado o un residente permanente legal que se encuentra temporalmente en el extranjero està ©n casados o tengan hijos que no tengan su mismo estatus legal, desde el punto de vista americano y, por lo tanto, no tengan un nà ºmero de seguridad social (NSS). Estos nà ºmeros son necesarios para poder desgravar a una persona como dependiente a la hora de rellenar las planillas de impuestos. La solucià ³n para estos casos es solicitar un ITIN, o nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal que se puede solicitar desde el extranjero. Dà ³nde Deben Los Expatriados Enviar Las Planillas De Impuestos Es posible utilizar internet recurriendo a Freefile. O tambià ©n se admite enviar en papel toda la documentacià ³n a: Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service CenterAustin, TX 73301-0215USA Y el pago, junto con la forma 1040-S a: Internal Revenue ServiceP.O. Box 1300Charlotte, NC 28201-1300USA Ayuda Para Rellenar Las Planillas Para Pago De Impuestos Por Expatriados Si tiene dudas, siempre se puede contactar directamente con el IRS, o llamar al 1 267-941-1000 (telà ©fono de pago). Algunas embajadas y consulados, en paà ­ses con un alto nà ºmero de estadounidenses expatriados, brindan un servicio para ayudar a los ciudadanos a cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias, como son los casos de Londres, Parà ­s, Frankfurt y Beijing. Cuentas Bancarias en El Exterior Estados Unidos impone sobre sus ciudadanos y residentes permanentes legales la obligacià ³n de declarar las cuentas de banco que tienen en el exterior y los intereses que puedan producir. Tambià ©n se debe notificar cualquier tipo de fondos de inversià ³n. La cantidad a partir de la cual se debe declarar son $10,000 La forma a cumplimentar es la TD-90.22.1 Clculo De Ingresos a Declarar Lo ms comà ºn es que los expatriados y residentes permanentes en el exterior ganen sus ingresos en una moneda distinta al dà ³lar americano. Pero la declaracià ³n para el pago de impuestos debe haber convertido todas las cantidades a la divisa estadounidense. Se puede hacer una estimacià ³n anual teniendo en cuenta todas las fluctuaciones en el cambio del valor de las monedas. O si los ingresos corresponden a fechas concretas, es posible declarar el cambio exacto que la divisa extranjera tenà ­a en tal fecha frente al dà ³lar. Tratados Para Evitar La Doble Imposicià ³n Es posible que los expatriados deban  pagar dos veces por los mismos ingresos: en el paà ­s de residencia y en Estados Unidos. Todo depende de si hay tratado de doble imposicià ³n  o no entre ambas naciones. Derechos De Los Ciudadanos Americanos en El Exterior La ciudadanà ­a americana da obligaciones pero, sin duda, tambià ©n derechos y privilegios. Para los estadounidenses en el exterior destacan la posibilidad de cobrar su cheque de jubilacià ³n, aunque no se puede beneficiar de Medicare. Asimismo, en muchos casos pueden transmitir la ciudadanà ­a americana a los hijos que tienen y nacen fuera de los Estados Unidos. Y, por supuestos, si regresan a Estados Unidos pueden pedir una green card para sus familiares. Si bien antes de presentar los papeles informarse sobre posibles problemas. El caso ms tà ­pico es cuando se intenta pedir una green card para el cà ³nyuge, pero el mismo inconveniente se presenta cuando se solicita otro familiar ya que no se pueden probar ingresos en Estados unidos, por lo que es muy conveniente estar informado. Reglas De Pago De Impuestos Para Residentes Permanentes Fuera De Estados Unidos Los residentes permanentes legales tienen una limitacià ³n sobre el tiempo que pueden permanecer en el extranjero sin poner en peligro la tenencia de su tarjeta. Deben pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos por los ingresos que perciban durante su estancia en el exterior. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los residentes permanentes que abandonan su green card para evitar pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es consejo legal o fiscal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study for Kemps LLC Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For Kemps LLC - Case Study Example This discourse ignites a debate on whether to implement the ABC system wholly or to also include the decisions of the managerial body in the implementation. After a thorough analysis they conclude that the ABC system cannot work alone without additional input of the managers. In turn, this demonstrates a deep consideration for automated systems as well as decisions that affect the employee task force and the consumer profitability in the provision of services and products. It is vital for Kemps to note that the ABC system is not fully dependable on its own capabilities, but rather it needs influential decision makers to support its functionality (Colin 244). In addition, Kemp may impose a rule to guide on the areas the ABC system is applicable so as to steer clear of contingencies that lead to aggravated internal disputes. Settling this discord and ensuring the airing of all opinions of the managers ensures a steady customer retaining as well cut down costs. Therefore, the basis of the argument advice is determining the possible threats to the business as well as potential opportunities in the implementation of the ABC system. That is the only surety of success within the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Inherited disease and pre-natal investigations Essay

Inherited disease and pre-natal investigations - Essay Example On the other hand, cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell anaemia are autosomal recessive which means that the diseases require two mutated copies of the specific gene to be inherited by the offspring, one each from either parent, in order to have the disease. Persons who inherit only one copy of a recessive mutation are carriers for the disease trait. The genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus can be identified through prenatal investigations in pregnant women. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) are two standard prenatal tests commonly performed during the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Generally, amniocentesis is done at 15-18 weeks' gestation and CVS at 10-12 weeks' gestation (Olney et al., 2001). Both are invasive screening procedures which are associated with risks to the foetus. Amniocentesis consists of removal of a small quantity of the amniotic fluid with the help of a hollow needle inserted into the uterus through the abdominal wall while CVS i nvolves biopsy of the placental cells (ScienceDaily, 2006). The foetal cells thus obtained are further analysed for genetic abnormalities. 2. Briefly explain what Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is. What characteristic smell is associated with MSUD? Describe briefly why keto-acids are present in MSUD. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), a branched-chain ketoaciduria, is a metabolism disorder caused by a gene defect (Haldeman-Englert, 2009). It is an autosomal recessive disease. Urine in this condition generally smells like maple syrup. As the primary defect in this disease lies in the genes related to the oxidative decarboxylation enzymes involved in the metabolism of the branched-chain amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine, there is an accumulation of the keto acids in the blood. The branched-chain keto acids (BCKA) accumulating in MSUD are ?-ketoisocaproic acid, ?-ketoisovaleric acid, and ?-keto-?-methylvaleric acid (Funchal et al., 2005). 3. Explain the terms: Matern al PKU Biopterin deficiency The term maternal phenylketonuria (PKU) refers to the teratogenic effects of PKU during pregnancy. It is a genetic condition in which the high levels of phenylalanine during pregnancy in women with PKU can increase the risk of mental retardation, low birth weight, and birth defects in the newborn (GDSP Medical Terminology Glossary, 2010). Biopterin deficiency or tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency comprises of heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorders. BH4 is a the cofactor for phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase, tyrosine-3-hydroxylase, and tryptophan-5-hydroxylase. Hence, the deficiencies are characterised by an imbalance in phenylalanine homeostasis, brain biosynthesis of catecholamine and serotonin (Scheinfeld and Jones, 2010). Like PKU, BH4 deficiencies impair developmental function. Some of the variants of BH4 deficiencies may be detected with PKU screening tests. 4. What is aminiotic fluid, and what does it mean when it produces a high salt content? The amniotic fluid is a clear, watery fluid that is found in the amniotic cavity. It is made up of the fluid that filters out of the maternal blood through the amniotic epithelium into the amniotic cavity as well as foetal constituents including urine, and exudates from the skin, the umbilical cord, the lungs and the kidneys (Trofatter, Jr. 2008). The osmolality (which is a measure of the amount of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Laser Alignment Theory Essay Example for Free

Laser Alignment Theory Essay Modern optical metrology uses precise lines and planes in space from which measurements are made. Because this method creates these features using light it has become known as optical tooling. The 35 year old historical development and current technology of laser instrumentation as used in optical tooling is discussed in detail. This includes the how the measurements are made, applications, and the technology of alignment lasers and position sensing targets developed for sensing position within a laser beam or plane. The various geometries used to make alignment measurements are discussed in detail. Applications are discussed and the challenges each poses are discussed. The challenge of long range alignment and the effect of the turbulent atmosphere on the measurement process is discussed along with methods of handling the associated errors them. WHAT IS OPTICAL TOOLING? Optical tooling is a means establishing and utilizing a line of sight (LOS) to obtain precise reference lines and reference planes from which accurate measurements are made with position sensitive targets. 1] Formerly the measurements were done by a person interpreting a scale or optical micrometer by looking through an alignment telescope; today the lines and planes are created by a laser; the measurements are digital and require no interpretation. Optical tooling uses the principle that light travels in straight lines to produce precise measurements that cannot be reached by manual or mechanical methods. Level lines can be esta blished over great distances so accurately that every point is exactly perpendicular to the force of gravity. Plumb lines can be set to a given level. Right angles can be produced quickly and precisely with auxiliary components. In the assembly, maintenance and calibration of industrial equipment or in the alignment of precision systems, one or as many as four basic questions always must be answered: is it straight, is it flat, is it plumb or is it square? A number of techniques have been developed to make these measurements; however, many of them result in inaccuracies so great that proper operation of the equipment involved will be compromised or seriously endangered. The science of optical metrology and alignment makes it possible to achieve the highest degree of accuracy in answering these four important questions. It is no longer necessary to interpret readings or to make constant adjustments and calculations. In laser alignment applications, direct, precision measurements are made rapidly and consistently. Straightness In aligning several points, a tight wire is often used as a reference line. This technique has numerous drawbacks and introduces inaccuracy. First of all, wire has weight, which causes it to sag; over long distances this sag can become considerable. In addition, wire vibrates, can bend or kink, and when stretched in the area to be measured, equipment cannot be moved around for fear of disturbing the wire reference line. Even a gentle breeze can cause the wire to move sideways a considerable amount; the aerodynamic drag on a thin wire is huge. In laser alignment, the LOS of is established by a laser beam instead of a tight wire. The invisible LOS reference has no weight, cannot sag, kink, or be disturbed, nor is it a safety hazard. It constitutes a precise, unvarying reference, determining straightness to within thousandths of an inch. Flatness In order to determine flatness a shop level and a straightedge was employed in the past. However, over large horizontal areas, the shop level must be moved from part to part. Consequently, one can only tell the degree of flatness of each individual surface upon which the level is place. Whether all objects in a large area are flat is still in doubt. Flatness over a considerable area must be assured in the erection of large machinery, surface tables and large machine tools. Conventional bubble levels simply do not offer the degree of precision required. Laser levels, a termed that has fallen into generic use, offer a way to produce a level datum over a wide area. Laser technology has overcome the many disadvantages of bubble levels and assures levelness to within a few thousandths of an inch over hundreds of feet. This high degree of levelness is accomplished by horizontally sweeping the laser beam manually or via a motor driven rotary stage. This revolving line of laser ligh t becomes a horizontal plane of sight, giving a precise horizontal reference datum, sometimes called a waterline. Squareness Perfect squareness implies that one plane forms a 90Â ° angle with another intersecting plane. When a steel square is used to test for this condition, the results can be very misleading. Such measurements rely upon the trueness of the steel square, which can vary from square to square with time. In addition, steel squares have a definite limit in their physical dimensions and consequently the testing of very large surface becomes inaccurate, slow and cumbersome. Laser alignment overcomes all these disadvantages and offers a quick and precise method for determining squareness. One method is to use a transparent penta prism in conjunction with a simple alignment laser. This optical element will split the beam from the laser into two parts; one beam passes through the prism undeviated, the other beam is reflected at a perfect 90 degree angle. This will be described in more detail later. Other systems use three independently mounted lasers that are orthogonal to each other. Plumb Classically, a plumb bob is used to establish a single vertical reference line. Of course, as vertical distances increase, the plumb bob becomes cumbersome and inaccurate. It takes a long time for the plumb bob to settle. Also, it can easily be swayed by vibration, air currents, and other disturbances which are bound to be encountered. In the laser alignment method there are several ways to produce a plumb reference; it can be a plane or a line. To form a plumb line, an alignment laser with autocollimating capability is used with a pool of almost any liquid. Autocollimation senses the angle of an external mirror by reflecting its beam back into the laser head. A position sensor, beamsplitter and lens measure the angle of the reflected beam. When the laser is adjusted such that the internal sensor reads 0 in both axes, then the laser is producing a plumb line. For example, if a heavy machine tool is being surveyed, the two reference points which determine the LOS should be located off of the machine. If for any reason the machine were to move or deflect all measurements would be in error. The two reference points should be located close enough to be convenient to use and/or out of the way of other people working in the area. Transits and alignment telescopes first made these types of measurements. But the problem with transits and telescopes is that they require a person to interpret a scale placed on the object of interest; and usually a second person is holding the scale against the object. It is a two person job that takes time and much training to accomplish successfully. It is also subject to errors. This type of alignment measurement, commonly called straightness, is the most basic of all alignment applications. The figure below shows an alignment laser source on the left whose collimated beam is striking a position sensor target on the right. The target can freely slide and make measurements of straightness of the structure to which it is attached. [pic] Another common requirement is to establish another LOS perpendicular or parallel to the original LOS. To establish a perpendicular a special prism is used: a penta prism. A penta prism has the property that rotation around its axis does not deviate the reflected beam at all; it does not have to be critically mounted. Penta prisms are often called optical squares, an appropriate term. To establish a parallel LOS to an existing LOS typically involves tooling bars if the distance is relatively short, say a meter or less. These bars are made of steel and hold electronic targets at a precise distance from a center. Using two of them with the original LOS establishes a parallel LOS. If the distance between the two LOS is large, then it can be done using the penta prism twice; the first time to turn the beam 90 degrees, followed by a certain distance, and concluded by turning the beam back 90 degrees. Care must be taken that two LOS are truly parallel; usually using a level reference datum makes the task much easier. The next alignment application involves measuring the alignment error between two different LOS datums; the typical application is to determine the lateral offset and angular error between two shafts. The shafts essentially define the two LOSs. The measurement consists of setting up the source on one shaft and parallel to it. The targets are placed on the second shaft and surveyed. Then the shafts are rotated 180 degrees and surveyed again; the difference is twice the shaft offset. If the target is placed at two axial locations and measured for offset, the difference in the offsets divided by twice the axial separation is the angular error in radians. The figure below shows a typical method to measure shaft alignment errors using a laser and target. [pic] A more sophisticated alignment application is to sweep a laser beam quickly to generate a plane of light. The advantage of this is that many targets can be aligned using one laser source. In simple straightness applications the target location is restricted to the active area of the position sensor. In swept plane alignment, the targets are using sensitive in only one dimension. A typical application to establish a level plane is to put three or more targets at the same (desired) waterline location and adjust the structure the targets are on until all targets read the same. The targets for swept plane alignment can be static, meaning they require the laser beam to be directed in to them constantly. Usually the laser beam is swept by hand by rotating a knob on the laser source. If the laser plane is moving at high speed, say once a second or faster, then the targets must capture and hold the position of the laser beam as the beam sweeps by. The problem becomes harder to accomplish at longer distance because the beam is on the detector for such a short periods of time. The figure below shows a horizontally swept level laser beam scanning by several targets placed on a machine bed.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ling :: essays research papers

a) The underlined group of words is a noun phrase I know it is a noun phrase because a cat is a thing and fits the description of a noun. The grammatical function of the underlined group of words is subject. I applied a tag question to determine this was the subject. In absence of an operator I used the base do. So the sentence now reads The cat did fall out of the tree. Because the operator is the first word of the verb phrase it takes the tense. To get a question I move the operator to the front of the sentence so it now reads Did the cat fall out of the tree? Any words that are between the movement is the subject. So the cat is the subject. b) The subject The cat is a patient. I know this because fell is an intransitive verb so nothing is suffering the effect of the cat. It is not an experiencer because it is not attributed any emotional response. The cat is suffering an action. This sentence could be the response given by a child to the question ‘What happened to the cat?’ Knowing he would be in trouble if he admits he shot the cat with a bb gun the child tries to distance himself from the act by telling his parents ‘The cat fell out of the tree.’ Under this interpretation it is a patient subject.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. The senator was praised by several members of the press. a) The underlined group of words is a prepositional phrase. The test I used to determine it was a prepositional phrase was the ‘airplane and cloud’ test. That is if the beginning of the phrase is an action a plane would with a cloud it is a preposition. In this case a plane can fly ‘by’ a cloud. The grammatical function of the prepositional phrase is predicate. b) The semantic role of the underlined group of words is agent. The subject The senator is the recipient of the action of the press. Also the voice of this sentence is passive so I know the prototypical agent/patent semantic roles are reversed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. The waiter forced the rowdy customers to leave the restaurant. a) The underlined group of words is a noun phrase I know it is a noun phrase because the rowdy customers are people and fit the description of a noun.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Medision river Essay

Medicine River chronicles the lives of a group of contemporary First Nations people in Western Canada. The novel is divided into eighteen short chapters. The story is recounted by the protagonist, Will, in an amiable, conversational fashion, with frequent flashbacks to earlier portions of his life. In the novel, Medicine River, Thomas King creates a story of a little community to reflect the whole native nation. A simple return of Will’s makes the little town seem to be more colourful. â€Å"Medicine River makes non-native readers think a little longer and harder about the lives of the first people they live among and the places they inhabit. † Although Will enters the town as a foreigner, he eventually becomes part of the community. Medicine River shows the history of Canada and teaches readers to learn from the past experience in order to become better people. Will meets Louise who becomes an unfulfilled love interest that very much represents Will’s existence, a series of half-fulfilled expectations. That is, he develops an ongoing relationship with Louise and her daughter, South Wing, for whom Will becomes a kind of father-figure. It has been included on the high school reading curriculum in many Canadian jurisdictions. One advisor writes, â€Å"It is a humorously told ‘homecoming novel’ that echoes an oral storytelling style, yet at the same time, debunks any kind of stereotypical ‘cultural voice. ‘ Although the protagonist is a middle-aged man, the novel is appropriate for young people, simply because of the way it is written, drawing in any audience. â€Å"[1]The Aesthetic of Talk in Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Robinson, Jack; Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en Litterature Canadienne, 2006; 31 (1): 75-94. There Is No Bentham Street in Calgary: Panoptic Discourses and Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Stratton, Florence; Canadian Literature, 2005 Summer; 185: 11-27. ‘Stay Calm, Be Brave, Wait for the Signs’: Sign-Offs and Send-Ups in the Fiction of Thomas King By: Hirsch, Bud; Western American Literature, 2004 Summer; 39 (2): 145-75. Steinbeck’s Influence upon Native American Writers By: Hadella, Paul. IN: Shillinglaw and Hearle, Beyond Boundaries: Rereading John Steinbeck. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P; 2002. pp. 87–97 Purana Narratology and Thomas King: Rewriting of Colonial History in The Medicine River and Joe the Painter and the Deer Island Massacre By: Vahia, Aditi H. ; Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 2002; 22 (1): 65-80. The Art That Will Not Die: The Story-Telling of Greg Sarris and Thomas King By: Mackie, Mary Margaret; Dissertation, U of Oklahoma, 2001. Time Out: (Slam)Dunking Photographic Realism in Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Christie, Stuart; Studies in American Indian Literatures: The Journal of the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures, 1999 Summer; 11 (2): 51-65. Beyond the Frame: Tom King’s Narratives of Resistment By: Peters, Darrell Jesse; Studies in American Indian Literatures: The Journal of the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures, 1999 Summer; 11 (2): 66-79. Thomas King: A Trickster Healing through Humour By: Pascual Soler, Nieves. IN: Alvarez Maurin, Broncano Rodrigues, Fernandez Rabadan, and Garrigos Gonzalez, Actas III Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola para el Estudio dos Estados Unidos/Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS): Fin de Siglo: Crisis y nuevos principios/Century Ends, Crises and New Beginnings. Leon, Spain: Universidad de Leon; 1999. pp. 299–305 Status, Mixedbloods, and Community in Thomas King’s Medicine River By: Mackie, Mary M. ; Journal of American Studies of Turkey, 1998 Fall; 8: 65-71. Coyote Agape: Thomas King’s Working for Love By: La Bossiere, Camille R. ; River Review/La Revue Riviere: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Arts and Ideas/Revue Multidisciplinaire d’Arts et d’Idees, 1995; 1: 47-57. ‘Tell Our Own Stories’: Politics and the Fiction of Thomas King By: Walton, Percy; World Literature Written in English, 1990 Autumn; 30 (2): 77-84. Lavalley, Giselle Rene (1996). â€Å"One Tricky Coyote†: The fiction of Thomas King (M. A. thesis). Wilfrid Laurier University. References[edit] Jump up ^ Renate Eigenbrod, Georgina Kakegamic and Josias Fiddler, â€Å"Aboriginal Literatures in Canada: A Teacher’s Resource Guide†, 2003 Jump up ^ â€Å"Medicine River: Review†. TV Guide. Retrieved 8 February 2011. External links[edit] Medicine River at the Internet Movie Database Spirit Rider at the Internet Movie Database Categories: 1989 booksNovels by Thomas KingNative American novelsNovels set in Canada Navigation menu Create accountLog inArticleTalkReadEditView history Search Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Wikimedia Shop Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact page Tools Print/export Languages Ð  Ã'Æ'Ã' Ã' Ã ºÃ ¸Ã ¹ Edit links This page was last modified on 18 July 2013 at 22:44

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Evidence based practice Essay

There is a need for health services stipulation to apply the best evidence instead of applying the customary methods (Stevens et al, 2001). However, this is only possible if practitioners, researchers, scholars, politicians, managers and public in general conducted a high quality research. Different methods of researches that are evident-based tend to have lack support from most users. This is because those researches are lack of proper referencing which the reviewer could not access. This module has requisite us to articulate the definition of evidence based practice, analyzing different forms of evidence and reflect on possible tactics utilized in the implementation of evidence based practice. To aid me in achieving those outcomes, I have use resources from database like ebscohost, books, researches, journals and search engine like Google. The paper I choose focuses on a descriptive-correlation method of research based on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique. This research is vital due to several cases of surgical infection taking place in operating room. The aim of the study is to determine the information and extent of applying sterile technique among operating room nurses in four selected hospitals in Samar, Philippines. Globalization comes with a large number of professional developments and policies especially in the nursing sector. Working in a government hospital in the Middle East, and attached to operating department is tough because research carried out on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile techniques clearly shows a clear association between knowledge and practice (Luo et al,2010). This study was conducted on four hospitals in Philippines. Inclusion standards were set for this study is participation among nurses are nurses with permanent employment, nurses who agreed to participate on this study and nurses working in the identified hospitals. The research concludes that knowledge has a positive effect on the extent of practice by the nurses. Different International bodies as Commission for health improvement prove that evidence based practice is researched on daily basis by different scholars. Evidence based practice (EBP) requires the  nurse to be able to apply his/her knowledge in operations without necessarily consulting. EBP Sackett et al (2000) denote evidence-based practice is a popular discipline that applies in clinical practices since 1992, and started with the medicine sector as Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). It later spread out to other fields like nursing, education, dentistry, psychology, and library among others. EBP demands that these practical decisions need to come from confirmed research studies, and they should interpret according to particular EBP norms. EBP is the incorporation of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. This explanation emphasizes on the patient’s situations, goals, available evidence and the practitioner’s expertise. However, there are some patients who reject the administration based on their different culture and values. Besides that, the practitioner might understand underlying hindrances like finances that may halt the application of EBP. Evidence Based Practice in nursing includes the major decisions made by the professionals, which in my area includes the surgeries. Some of these decisions include appraising, accessing, and integrating research evidence with their professional judgment and with their clinical decision-making (Department of Health, 2002). The research on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile techniques intention is to identify the extent of nurses applying their knowledge in practice pertaining sterile technique. There are several factors on why nurses are reluctant to apply EBP in their daily work. Evidence based practice include making decisions by combining any knowledge acquired from the nursing practice, patients inclination, and applying research evidence. It means that the nurses have a variety of options including sitting back and watching, or taking action based on their experience. Nevertheless, the decision made is crucial hence it need brainwave. A clinical question is essential before making evidence-based decision. So, it is important to search for a suitable EBP to help in making the right decision at the particular situation. Lastly, the nurse evaluates the different effects of the action taken. Strengths of EBP Since the early years of Florence Nightingale, research became popular till the first nursing journal published in United States in 1952 which began considering evidence based practice. Nightingale is famous for her systematic thinking and applied religious faith that favored systematic approach. According to Keith (1988), Nightingale had a good access to governmental information and other material making her work knowledge based. She applied graphical presentation in form of pie and bar charts unlike others who used tables. The health ministry requested Royal College of Nursing in 1966 to examine the effectiveness of nursing. From then onwards, various research programs came up including Information provision and wound care. Anyhow, Rodgers (2000) noted that the progress of EBP is slow but it is successful as the years go. Utilization of evidence-based knowledge broadens the relationship between the nurses and the management like the clinicians. Another major strength in evidence-based practice includes a research carried out around 1990’s on the physical constraint normally applied on older frail generation. The result showed harmful and prolonged routines thus it made a change in the national policy within acute care hospices and long-term care settings (Evans et al, 2006). These changes presented a drop in constrained home care residents from 1980s 75% to 2004s 8%. Nurses applied excessive pressure on the elderly without realizing of the psychological torture involved. Weaknesses of Evidence Based Research Today, science has expanded and advance compare to those years during Nightingale years. In spite of this progressive development, there is still a gap on contemporary knowledge and the extensive adoption to improve the health sector. Bass (2010) stated EBP appliance in nursing profession is similar in all fields or disciplines. The major challenge is the readiness to apply these evidence-based researches due to different drawbacks that include lack of understanding, inclusion, and lack of necessary education programs. To further strengthen this argument, Pravikov et al (2005) mention most nurses have two years degree program which does not accommodate evidence based practice. Moreover, EBP weakness also includes accessing of vital information on the research done. The information gathered in research  is publishing in various resources like database, journals, health magazines, newspapers, books and online. Therefore, users find it difficult to access especially in work place. In nursing, the clinical specialists and the doctors who own higher skills in recognizing problems, analyzing, and translating are far from reach. Hence, they are hesitated to apply EBP in their practice. Usefulness of Evidence Based Practice in my clinical Practice Perioperative nurse must be knowledgeable on sterilized technique. Reflecting on my experience being a perioperative nurse for five years now, to enhance better understanding on the importance of sterile technique and the consequences of not applying sterile technique, EBP is the best tactic. For instance, EBP is based on studies done on sterile technique and they show result for not applying sterile technique may lead to surgical infection. EBP make perioperative nurses like me acknowledge importance of sterile technique and we are accountable for patient’s safety. Hereafter, nurses could make decision-making on evidence-based in their practice. It is crucial for nurses to be familiar with different decisions they partake and consider the consequences associated with the decision made. It is also important for nurses to be given the necessary skills required to enable them construct the vital questions and efficiently and effectively look for the available study evidence that best applies to these questions. The research on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice evidently show that many nurses have not applied their knowledge in practice. Helpful information that I picked in this study is the importance of sterilizing the operating instrument. This study based on surgical sites infections that are common in most operating rooms. Globally, studies shows that, 2-5% of the patients undergoing operation suffer from surgically related infections. This definitely raises most hospital concern and wants more research to be carried out in order to identify where the problem lies. Surgical site infection causes many deaths during the operations, and that is the reason why different strategies like sterilizing technology came up. Many patients have died because of infected surgical wound and this calls for an evidence based study to resolve the prevailing problem. EBP faces major emphasis from  American Psychological Association (APA), American Nurses Association, Occupational Therapy Association, and American Physical Theory association. In psychiatry, rehabilitation, medicine, psychology, and other professional bodies, loose bodies of knowledge apply, and this is a major drawback on their performances. Evidence based practice begins with a profiling research which informs the professionals and their clients what works best for them. Easy access to EBP information enhances both clients and the practitioners to identify their helpful treatment before intervention starts. Methodology tool The article that I will critic is on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique by Leodoro et al (2012)(Appendix 1).I have choose this article as it has link with my profession and it is very knowledgeable for me being a perioperative nurse. The critic tool that I have chosen is step by step guidelines in critiquing a quantitative research study by Coughlan et al (2007)(Appendix 2). The methodology tool applied in this study was descriptive-correlation research method. The descriptive method describes the knowledge and the extent of which the nurses applied the sterilization technique in practice. In addition, the correlation method is dissimilar relationships among the different variables used. This study was conducted in four hospitals in Philippines and the results are based on answers by nurses with permanent employment, nurses who agreed to participate on this study and nurses working in the identified hospitals. There are three-part questionnaire consisted of demographics profiles of the participants. This part carries 10 multiple-choice questions and 10 general questions with an expected score of 20, and intended to measure the nurse’s knowledge scope using sterilized instruments. Questionnaire 11 includes a checklist whereby the participants rated out of 5 points with 1 being lowest rate. The data analyzed through inferential and descriptive statistics consisting of frequency, standard deviation, percentage and mean. Critiquing Descriptive-correlation Tool Analyzing research studies require suitable tool looking at the methodology used. Tanner (2003) suggests these tools normally bear questions that aid the analyzer in determining the different steps followed in this research.  It is notable that some steps are more vital than others. Descriptive-correlation tool applied in this study is credible based on many factors. The researcher uses simple language that is easy to understand without consultation. This means there are no scientific jargons that sometimes pose a threat to the readers. The authors seem to understand the subject matter clearly according to the list of questions in their questionnaire. The questionnaire cover most elements related to the operating room’s practice. For instance, hand washing, scrubbing, intraoperative phase and circulator role. The purpose of this study is vital due to several incidents that related to surgical wound infection. In the article abstract, they mention the overview of their study, including the research problem which is in prevention of surgical site infection and contamination, sterile technique need to be implemented. They also remark the sample, methodology, finding and recommendations which is mention earlier in the need for the nurses to control and protect the patients from surgical site infections. The grammar used in this study is straightforward, easy to understand and systematically arranged. Usually, a reader like me demands an interesting research that motivates us to continue analyzing, and this presents well in the above-mentioned analysis. There are certain factors that strengthen this research, which includes the identification of the research problem. The hypothesis used is that most nurses have th e knowledge on sterile techniques but due to some reasons, they fail to apply it in practice. Some nurses bear the knowledge but they lack the confidence to put this evidence-based research into practice. There are four major reasons that limit the nurses from using EBP. Retsas (2008) stated research reports similar to the above-mentioned are normally complex, statistical, academic and nurses find it difficult to interpret or work with the research products. The research article on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique is a study that is markedly academic and statistical. This may cause confusion to nurses during interpretation. The results are graphical and the nurse might have problems understanding it. This particular research is consistent and any nurse whether a graduate or a trainee can easily relate to it except of the graphical result. Beginning from the introduction, methodology, participants, instrument analysis, results and conclusion, the study is systematic with a great flow of intense  knowledge. The researcher clearly links each step to the other with the objective of the study, which follows with a literature review. In their literature review, the research is rather shallow compared to other great researches. It is lacked of specific details on the occasions where nurses have failed to apply the technology and the consequences that follow. The literature failed to analyze the different surgical tools applied in the operating rooms by the nurses. However, they identified the hospital and the need for the research. The literature should include the history of evidence-based practice including when it began and why. The hypothetical structure lacks in this study, which is necessary for reader who needs to understand and analyze the research. The researchers did not go in depth into the subject matter although the introduction had a good review of the search information. In terms of theoretical framework, which is a necessity in most researches (Basset & Basset 2003), the author failed to identify a conceptual model that would assist the reader as guidance. The research paper is lacked of proper relationship between different concepts in its literature. However, most theoretical frameworks work best in experimental and quasi-experimental researches unlike in descriptive studies similar to the above mentioned. According to Dale (2005) in every research, it is vital to identify the main question and this was not seen in this research. For example, the researcher should have asked how competent the management of the operating room is in educating their staffs on sterile technique. This would assist the researches in analyzing the situation because the failure to practice sterile technique could be perioperative nurses not sent for continuous education leading to lack of competency. These questions are likely to come from patients or the nurses themselves. The questions may derive from the customary practices or from different literature. The sample in this study, for me the size is relatively small compared to the many operating rooms in P hilippines. Anyhow, the choice of participants in regards to age group, and gender is great. In terms of experience, the researcher should have picked people with longer experience in the job. Most of the participants are below five years’ experience in this research. The attendance for educational training of these participants is equally poor so it could not provide a conclusive result. The distribution of the sample is also inadequate because female participants are 73% compared to their male  counterparts who are at 23%. A bigger sampling in all categories would have provided a better data analysis. This study was carried out in hospitals and chances for the nurses were conversant with the subject at hand. However, the participants were from only one-region hospitals and different issues may have limited their voluntary information. At times, the participants are not sure of their confidentiality, despite them signing confidentiality forms; they still have the fear of being exposed. The nurses could fear intimidation from the superiors, and this drives them to give false information in favor of the organization. The researcher got the approval from the ethics committee at Samar Provincial hospital, and the other hospitals before they began conducting their research. No participants were forced or harm during the survey. Neither there was any bias because the respondents were not selected purposively. In the operational definitions, the researcher ensured that the reader fully comprehended the study by applying simple concepts and terms in the research (Parahoo, 2006). The researchers have used clear and simple understanding terms to carry out this study. The research design used in the research on operating room nurses’ knowledge and practice of sterile techniques is a descriptive-correlation method, which is a recent method of study that is very effective. This is because it integrates the description of the nurses’ knowledge and the extent at which they practice the use of sterile technique together with a correlation analysis showing the relationship between the two variables. However, most of these studies relate because the objective regards patterns in group behaviors, tendencies, averages, and properties (Robson 2002). There is a possibility of mentality to take place as most of the researches done clinical credibility because these research products are not conclusive. This is a major drawback for nurses to agree in applying the results (recommendation) which also decrease the confidence in the products used for the survey like the questionnaire and the sample. In my opinion, the study did not succeed to offer a proper clinical direction and so the nurses prefer not to use them. Most nurses prefer a research that is more prescriptive and clinical concerning their work place. The data collection is similar to a quantitative methodology of research whereby different data that includes questionnaires, interviews, and observation tools used. These tools are appropriate with the study aim. Then again, questionnaires are  prevalent with different sets of closed questions and few with multiple choices and others with direct answers. The overall reliability and validity was discussed in the weakness and strength of the study done. It was describe as good but not perfect. Its validity, which is its ability to measure the content (Wood et al, 2006), is downcast due to the number of samples were insufficient (21 participants) and also from one region only. For the tool’s reliability, Wood et al (2006) stated reliability is to accurately measure and consistently measure the theory which being studied which was done in this research. The researchers have always emphasized on the extent of sterile technique practice throughout the study. This study had a pilot study, which assisted the researcher in making some adjustments in their research. The researcher’s data analysis is a well-analyzed methodology since it is not complex and daunting. The ratings are clear and easy to understand. For instance, they used descriptive statistics that include the percentage, frequency, standard deviation and mean. The interpretation of the results included 0-7 as â€Å"needed improvement†, 8-10 as â€Å"fair†, 11-13 as â€Å"good†, 14-16 as â€Å"very good†, and 14-16 as â€Å"excellent†. This is quite an easy interpretation and anyone is able to analyze and understand. These are inferential tests and it helps the researcher in identifying the relationship among variables. The researcher discussed the findings in simple and clear terms. The researcher has a logical flow of information and the hypothesis is clearly supported by these findings. This study bears significance in its findings as per Russell (2002), and the researcher specifies every result without generalizing it. They reported each section independently whether it could be gender, age, experience and number of training attended. As mention earlier, the perioperative nurses have knowledge of using sterile techniques but rarely apply them in practice (Luo et al 2010). The research also concluded that half of the nurses had the knowledge on sterile technique. In Goiana hospital, 75.6% seemed to understand the standard precautionary measures on surgical site infection (Melo et al 2006). Most researched documents have no references, which makes them less favorable. There are known perspectives on accessibility of information and they include the humanistic ideology which involves the notion that human resource is most accessible. There is also a strong belief that local information derived from locally developed technologies is more  accessible. The latest technologies information can be retrieve from internet easily accessible. However, the researcher did not mention much on recommendation for nurses to apply sterile technique in practice which is vital in guiding the readers. Discussion The study’s hypothesis that majority of the operating room nurses have the knowledge on implementing sterile technique, but seldom apply it in practice have been achieved as end result of the study. The findings confirmed that the nurses held a strong knowledge of the use of sterile technique according to the table 6 that showed the correlation between knowledge and the extent of use of sterile technique by the participating nurses. The discussion is clear and well elaborated in simple terms. The researcher explains the underlying causes on why nurses rarely apply the knowledge into practice. The issue of occupational culture where questioning is unpopular should be contested, and the nurses should ask any questions in the event of uncertainty. The information on sterile technique and importance of it should be taught to nurses by sending them for educational trainings or emphasize it at all times in work place. This information should be accessible especially the evidence-bas ed literature in order for the evidence-based practice to be implemented. For instance, books related to operating room and patient’s safety should be kept in operating department where nurses can access them anytime when needed. The researchers also discuss on the strength and limitation of their study which is appropriate as it helps the reader determine the reliability of the study and also the choice to implement it or not. The strength of the study is to ensure there was no selection bias; the respondents were inclusive of the entire population of operating room nurses in four identified hospitals for the investigation. Nevertheless, a wider variety of hospitals would have added this strength. Furthermore, the research shows that the investigation is from one province only, which weakens its strength. The discussion also noted the weakness in the questionnaire method of research because it lacked some details like. It is also clear that some participants fear telling the truth despite their secrecy assurance. However, the research discussion is clear on its demerits, and although it does not offer any suggestion on a further research, it is vital to have a more detailed study on the same  issue. Most researchers offer recommendation because their researches are not conclusive which this particular researcher failed to apply. The referencing in this study is very accurate especially on the in text citation. Most researches fail to offer the in text citation and leaves the readers struggling on locating the referencing. The higher number of references, the stronger the research perceives. Different methods of researches that are evident-based tend to have lack support from most readers. This research had 18 references, which is the average number, required for any research. However, more references would have strengthened the research. This study has much merit but the method requires evaluation. The sampling requires a larger demographic region in order to accommodate more representatives of the participants. It is crucial for perioperative nurses to apply their knowledge on sterile technique in practice. If sterile technique is not applied during surgery it may lead to surgical infection which will harm the vulnerable patients which may also cause death if not treated well. Conclusion The study on operating room nurse’s knowledge and practice of sterile technique is a vital research globally and it was fairly conducted. Further research is recommended because this problem continues due to frequent changes in technology and management. The nurses should implement a more basic role in services through application of their skills while addressing questions from outside clinical range. This would in return increase their service demands from the environs. For skills development, the nurses should complement their hands-on function within the department. These nurses should be able to apply their developmental products effectively in order to prove everyone else wrong. People have failed to recognize the efforts applied by the nurses. The management and the clinical experts need to recognize and appreciate the nurses’ efforts through understanding their skills. After all, the management should ensure the nurses knowledge, resources, and skills are readily available in order to assist implementation. This only happens if the research information is excellent, with clarity and enough strength to hinder any doubts from reviewers. References American Psychological Association. (2006). APA presidential task force on evidence based practice. Washington, DC: Barker P. (2000) Reflections on caring as a virtue ethic within an evidence-based culture. International Journal of Nursing Studies 37, 329–336. Bucknall T. (2003) The clinical landscape of critical care: nurses’ decision-making. Journal of Advanced Nursing 43(3), 310–319. 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Thursday, November 7, 2019

foundation degree in events management Essay Example

foundation degree in events management Essay Example foundation degree in events management Essay foundation degree in events management Essay Contents Introduction Foundation degrees are a recognised HE qualification. The degree is made up of both academic and work based learning. The purpose of this report is to explain about the course, work placement and academic requirements. It will also explain why events are created and the purpose they serve in society. Findings The course The course consists of a number of core modules and may include optional modules. These are taken over two years which are based on a value of 1 5 credits, with one credit representing 10 hours of student study time (Warwickshire College, 2013). In ear one the modules are; Academic and professional development Developing professional practice Exploring customer service MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) Principles of event management Event appraisal Principles of business Introduction to business operations and activities The modules for year two are as follows; Business accounting Human resource management Principles of marketing Professional competence Project management for events Evolving sectors in the event industry Work-based project This course specifically benefits my chosen career path as it involves important odules based on events management. For instance the project management for events module will be particularly helpful as it includes some key skills I am keen to learn and will give me an understanding theoretically and practically on managing events. As noted in the course handbook Project management is a discipline for organising and managing the resources to complete a project. The subject includes a project This is a subject area that is essential for an event manager and will involve investigation and application of the skills and knowledge acquired to both real and simulated projects. : The module will include the management of an event. (Warwickshire College, 2013, P. 5) All the modules are assessed by a variation of coursework such as: role play, written reports, presentation, debates, seminars, essays, leaflet production and written assignments. The assignments have been carefully designed to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge which can be transferred to a working environment Assessment is a crucial aspect of the learning process are was taken to ensure that both in-course and end of module assessments test the skills and knowledge needed in the working environment Formative assessment methods are diverse and include practical assessment of advanced techniques used in the workplace. (Warwickshire College, 2013, p. 36) For example, assignments which are delivered as presentations will help increase and develop skills such as: Presenting skills, communicating, engaging an audience and confidence. This is useful as presentations are often used in the workplace. The course requires independent learning to be successful. Study skills which will enhance independent learning abilities are: Self-management, you must organise and manage time working on your own, there are far less taught sessions than school r a further education course. Taking control, you are responsible for making choices, advice and guidance is available, but its up to you to find this out and to book appointments when necessary. Personal planning, you will benefit by taking control of your time and finding out what skills are necessary for employers. Knowing the essentials, knowing deadline dates, academic regulations, and assignment briefs is essential, read any College documentation thoroughly and keep in a safe place. Finding resources and support, you will be given a list of books to read which is vital for the course. However you are expected to further your knowledge by reading and researching additional sources. You are also expected to find out what support is available. Structuring your study, you are required to work with little guidance, a good assignment will be a result of independent study Keeping going, you must keep motivated and focused when working alone, most people use have the support of other people for this. (Stella Cottrell, 2013) Work placement Work placement is an important element for the foundation degree programme and involves 10 weeks placement spread across the two years. A large proportion of ssessments are designed to be completed through work placement. Warwickshire College, 2013) There are a number of things to make the most of a placement: Set some objectives, decide what you want to achieve and discuss expectations with the employer before you start. Make sure both you and the employer know what you want to gain out of the placement. Show what you are capable of doing, show enthusiasm and be reliable. Dont be afraid to ask questions. Show that you are proactive, ask to attend meetings. Make some suggestions although dont be critical of colleagues or your employer. Keep a diary or learning log, Record experiences and skills and attributes gained Build a network, Identify the colleagues whose work interests you, ask for advice. (Manchester Metropolitan University, 2013) Warwickshire college work in partnership with University of Gloucestershire (I-JOG) the foundation degree is validated by the I-JOG. The University overseas the quality and ensures a high standard of education and have set academic regulations of which Warwickshire College must abide by. The regulations set can affect the assessment scores if deadlines are not met or the required standard is not met. Each piece of coursework will have a submission date and criteria which must be met in order to pass. Late submission or failure to meet the required criteria without approved mitigating circumstances is penalised. For example if the work is less than seven days late the highest mark achievable is capped at 40%,if the work is more than seven days late the assessment is marked at and is failed. This can have a huge effect on the course both financially and academically because if you fail a module below 30% you must retake it, this will cost an extra E700. You are not allowed to rogress on to the second year with more than one restudy. Warwickshire College, 2013) In some circumstances external problems/issues may affect the performance in assessments and a student may feel they failed or underachieved because of the problem. The course manager or personal tutor must be notified as early as possible, ideally before the deadline date, or its likely to be too late. Examples of exceptiona l mitigating circumstances may be: Personal serious illness or accident Death or serious illness of a very close relative Serious family or personal problem Sudden deterioration of a chronic health condition Circumstances which are not likely to be considered are: A minor illness Death or serious illness ofa pet Normal family or work commitments Chronic or long standing illness Pressure of study arising from reassessment Computer difficulties (Warwickshire College, 2013) If it is agreed the circumstances surrounding the student have affected the assessment, the student will either have their results re-considered or have another opportunity to retake that piece of work. (Warwickshire College, 2013) Another requirement for all written assessments is the use of Havard referencing. This ystem is used to acknowledge the work of other writers or to enable other researchers trace the original source. It is allows the work to checked and verified and avoids plagiarism. (Warwickshire College, 2013) The use of the referencing shows research has been carried out giving credence to the subject being studied. For example, to achieve higher marks in assignments a range of sources will be used with correct citation and referencing Excellent use of sources with highly accurate and effective use of citation and referencing. (Warwickshire College, 2013, p. 4) That is one of the criteria to achieve a mark. To achieve the best mark possible it is important you use module guide and contextualised grading descriptor. The module guide will provide an essential reading lists, this will list the recommended books to read in order to complete an assignment to a satisfactory standard. More received for an assignment. Also in the module guide is a contextualised grading descriptor, this can be used to see what level of work is required to achieve a certain grade. For instance for this assignment to achieve a 55%-69% grade you must meet the following criteria: Evidence of some effective self-guided study Good understanding of using of using of sources with largely good understanding of citation and referencing Sources used are academically sound Sources used are academically sound with minimal use of the internet Content is reasonably thorough in its coverage of key areas of induction topics and possibly covering some related issues Good presentation that in the main follows the informal report structure with automated features (Warwickshire College, 2013, p4) Field of study Events have become a huge part of our lives, the public, governments and businesses are all involved. Each event is created for different reasons. Due to an increase of eisure time and discretionary spending have led to a rise in public events such as celebrations and entertainment. Governments support events for their economic development and nation building. Businesses use events for marketing and promotions. Increases in leisure time and discretionary spending have led to proliferation of public events, celebrations and entertainment. Governments now support and promote events as part of their strategies for economic development, nation building and destination marketing. Corporations and business embrace events as key elements in their marketing strategies and image promotion (Bowdin, 012, p. 3) Conclusion References Bowdin, G (2012) Events management 3rd edition. Oxford. Butterworth-Heinemann Cottrell, S (2012) Study Skills, (online), Available from algrave. com/ skills4study/studyskills/learning/independent. asp (accessed 20th September 2013) Manchester Metropolitan University, (2013) making the most of work experience, (online), Available from mmu. ac. uk/careers/students-and-graduates/ resources/guides/making-the-most-of-work-experience-and-placements. pdf (accessed 20th September 2013) Warwickshire College, (2013) Course Handbook

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A guide to the differences between UK and US English - Emphasis

A guide to the differences between UK and US English A guide to the differences between UK and US English According to playwright George Bernard Shaw, the UK and the US are ‘two countries divided by a common language’. We may not need translators to converse, but you can save potential embarrassment or confusion by learning some of the writing differences. Most UK-English speakers know that ‘colour’ (not ‘color’) and ‘centre’ (not ‘center’) are correct, but should it be ‘benefited’ or ‘benefitted’, ‘travelling’ or ‘traveling’, ‘recognise’ or ‘recognize’? You may not be able to rely on the spell check for the answer. Our UK and US English guide reveals the main differences between our use of punctuation, grammar, some vocabulary and spelling. Use it to discover what to do when the rules are not clear cut.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Selp Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Selp Reflection - Essay Example Burke and several senior managers of J&J decided to recall Tylenol capsules even though there was no connection between the poisoning and the Tylenol capsules (Jackson, 2004, p. 75), and in spite of the risk that by pulling out Tylenol from the market, the company would forfeit its sizeable share in the pain medication market. The removal of the Tylenol capsule from the market was a business move that disagreed with the recommendation of the company’s legal adviser, who feared that the recall would be an acceptance of corporate negligence. Likewise, the FBI advised Burke not to recall Tylenol because J&J was not responsible for the poisonings (Anderson, 1989, 232). However, referring to the company’s principles, which declare, â€Å"We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and all others who use our products and services,† (Pava & Krausz, 1995, 119) Burke decided to recall Tylenol, proclaiming that the production of these capsules will cease permanently. The company was the focus of Burke’s decisions. However, his main priority was the welfare or security of their customers, even though that move endangered the company’s profitability and image. It is without a doubt that Burke’s judgment was also in the companyâ€℠¢s continuing self-interest. However, it was somewhat surprising that the company would be triumphant in regaining their dominant share in the pain medication market even after withdrawing Tylenol capsules. In fact, according to Pava (1999), many analysts foretold the contrary. Serving one’s own interest does not automatically rule out giving consideration to the wellbeing of others, since the interests of others are usually crucial to success. In fact, it is not possible not to consider the interests of others, if philosophers are correct about human beings’ social nature. Thus, although some are distrustful about the response of J&J to the Tylenol incident, although